
class privex.db.query.postgres.PostgresQueryBuilder(table: str, connection=None, **kwargs)[source]

A simple SQL query builder / ORM, designed for use with PostgreSQL. May or may not work with other RDBMS’s.

Basic Usage:

First, inject your psycopg2 connection into QueryBuilder, so it’s available to all instances.

>>> PostgresQueryBuilder.conn = psycopg2.connect(user='bob', dbname='my_db')

Now, just construct the class, passing the table name to query.

>>> q = PostgresQueryBuilder('orders')

You can execute each query building method either on their own line, and/or you can chain them together.

WARNING: many methods such as select() do not escape your input. Only where() and where_or() use prepared statements, with a placeholder for the value you pass.

>>>'full_name', 'address')
>>>'SUM(order_amt) as total_spend').where('country', 'FR')         ...     .where('SUM(order_amt)', '100', compare='>=')
>>> q.group_by('full_name', 'address')

Once you’ve finished building your query, simply call either all() (return all results as a list) or fetch() (returns the first result, or None if there’s no match)

>>> results = q.order('full_name', direction='ASC').all()
>>> print(results[0])


dict{'full_name': 'Aaron Doe', 'address': '123 Fake St.', 'total_spend': 127.88}

You can call build_query() to see the query that would be sent to PostgreSQL, showing the value placeholders (e.g. %s)

>>> print(q.build_query())


SELECT full_name, address, SUM(order_amt) as total_spend FROM orders WHERE country = %s
AND SUM(order_amt) >= %s GROUP BY full_name, address ORDER BY full_name ASC;


|                 © 2019 Privex Inc.                |
|                    |
|                                                   |
|        Privex Database Library                    |
|                                                   |
|        Core Developer(s):                         |
|                                                   |
|          (+)  Chris (@someguy123) [Privex]        |
|                                                   |
__init__(table: str, connection=None, **kwargs)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

all(query_mode=<QueryMode.DEFAULT: 'default'>) → Union[Iterable[dict], Iterable[tuple]][source]

Executes the current query, and returns an iterable cursor (results are loaded as you iterate the cursor)


>>> results = PostgresQueryBuilder('people').all()   # Equivalent to ``SELECT * FROM people;``
>>> for r in results:
>>>     print(r['first_name'], r['last_name'], r['phone'])
Return Iterable

A cursor which can be iterated using a for loop, loads rows as you iterate, saving RAM

build_query() → str[source]

Used internally by all() and fetch() - builds and returns a string SQL query using the various class attributes such as where_clauses :return str query: The SQL query that will be sent to the database as a string

fetch(query_mode=<QueryMode.DEFAULT: 'default'>) → Union[dict, tuple, None][source]

Executes the current query, and fetches the first result as a dict.

If there are no results, will return None

Return dict

The query result as a dictionary: {column: value, }

Return None

If no results are found

fetch_next(query_mode=<QueryMode.ROW_DICT: 'dict'>) → Union[dict, tuple, None][source]

Similar to fetch(), but doesn’t close the cursor after the query, so can be ran more than once to iterate row-by-row over the results.


query_mode (QueryMode) –


get_cursor(cursor_name=None, cursor_class=None, *args, **kwargs) → psycopg2.extensions.cursor[source]

Create and return a new Postgres cursor object

query_mode_cursor(query_mode: privex.db.query.base.QueryMode, replace_cursor=True, cursor_mgr=True)[source]

Return a cursor object with the cursor class based on the query_mode, using the query_mode to cursor class map in _cursor_map

  • query_mode (QueryMode) – The QueryMode to obtain a cursor for

  • replace_cursor (bool) – (Default: True) If True, replace the shared instance _cursor with this new cursor.

  • cursor_mgr (bool) – Wrap the cursor object in CursorManager



Add columns to be returned as an ISO formatted date to the select clause. Specify as individual args. Do not use ‘col AS x’. NOTE: no escaping is used!

example: q.select_date(‘created_at’, ‘updated_at’) can also chain: q.select_date(‘mycol’).select_date(‘othercol’)


args – date columns to select as individual arguments


QueryBuilder object (for chaining)



__init__(table[, connection])

Initialize self.


Executes the current query, and returns an iterable cursor (results are loaded as you iterate the cursor)


Used internally by all() and fetch() - builds and returns a string SQL query using the various class attributes such as where_clauses :return str query: The SQL query that will be sent to the database as a string


Executes the current query, and fetches the first result as a dict.


Similar to fetch(), but doesn’t close the cursor after the query, so can be ran more than once to iterate row-by-row over the results.

get_cursor([cursor_name, cursor_class])

Create and return a new Postgres cursor object

query_mode_cursor(query_mode[, …])

Return a cursor object with the cursor class based on the query_mode, using the query_mode to cursor class map in _cursor_map


Add columns to be returned as an ISO formatted date to the select clause.