Source code for privex.db.query.postgres

from typing import Iterable, Union
import psycopg2.extras
import psycopg2.extensions
import logging

from privex.db.base import CursorManager
from privex.db.types import GenericCursor
from privex.db.query.base import BaseQueryBuilder, QueryMode

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class PostgresQueryBuilder(BaseQueryBuilder): """ A simple SQL query builder / ORM, designed for use with PostgreSQL. May or may not work with other RDBMS's. Basic Usage: First, inject your psycopg2 connection into QueryBuilder, so it's available to all instances. >>> PostgresQueryBuilder.conn = psycopg2.connect(user='bob', dbname='my_db') Now, just construct the class, passing the table name to query. >>> q = PostgresQueryBuilder('orders') You can execute each query building method either on their own line, and/or you can chain them together. **WARNING:** many methods such as :py:meth:`.select` do not escape your input. Only :py:meth:`.where` and :py:meth:`.where_or` use prepared statements, with a placeholder for the value you pass. >>>'full_name', 'address') >>>'SUM(order_amt) as total_spend').where('country', 'FR') \ ... .where('SUM(order_amt)', '100', compare='>=') >>> q.group_by('full_name', 'address') Once you've finished building your query, simply call either :py:meth:`.all` (return all results as a list) or :py:meth:`.fetch` (returns the first result, or ``None`` if there's no match) >>> results = q.order('full_name', direction='ASC').all() >>> print(results[0]) Output:: dict{'full_name': 'Aaron Doe', 'address': '123 Fake St.', 'total_spend': 127.88} You can call :py:meth:`.build_query` to see the query that would be sent to PostgreSQL, showing the value placeholders (e.g. %s) >>> print(q.build_query()) Output:: SELECT full_name, address, SUM(order_amt) as total_spend FROM orders WHERE country = %s AND SUM(order_amt) >= %s GROUP BY full_name, address ORDER BY full_name ASC; Copyright:: +===================================================+ | © 2019 Privex Inc. | | | +===================================================+ | | | Privex Database Library | | | | Core Developer(s): | | | | (+) Chris (@someguy123) [Privex] | | | +===================================================+ """ Q_PRE_QUERY = "set timezone to 'UTC'; " Q_DEFAULT_PLACEHOLDER = "%s" cursor_cls: psycopg2.extensions.cursor query_mode: QueryMode @property def conn(self) -> psycopg2.extensions.connection: return self.connection
[docs] def __init__(self, table: str, connection=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(table, connection) self.query_mode = query_mode = kwargs.pop('query_mode', QueryMode.ROW_DICT) if query_mode == QueryMode.ROW_DICT: cursor_cls = psycopg2.extras.RealDictCursor elif query_mode == QueryMode.ROW_TUPLE: cursor_cls = psycopg2.extras.NamedTupleCursor else: raise AttributeError('query_mode must be one of QueryMode.ROW_DICT or ROW_TUPLE') self.cursor_cls = kwargs.pop('cursor_cls', cursor_cls) self._cursor_map = { QueryMode.DEFAULT: self.cursor_cls, QueryMode.ROW_DICT: psycopg2.extras.RealDictCursor, QueryMode.ROW_TUPLE: psycopg2.extras.NamedTupleCursor }
[docs] def fetch_next(self, query_mode=QueryMode.ROW_DICT) -> Union[dict, tuple, None]: if not self._is_executed: self.execute() return self.cursor.fetchone()
[docs] def query_mode_cursor(self, query_mode: QueryMode, replace_cursor=True, cursor_mgr=True): """ Return a cursor object with the cursor class based on the ``query_mode``, using the query_mode to cursor class map in :py:attr:`._cursor_map` :param QueryMode query_mode: The QueryMode to obtain a cursor for :param bool replace_cursor: (Default: ``True``) If True, replace the shared instance :py:attr:`._cursor` with this new cursor. :param bool cursor_mgr: Wrap the cursor object in :class:`.CursorManager` :return: """ _cur = self.get_cursor(cursor_class=self._cursor_map[query_mode]) if cursor_mgr: _cur = CursorManager(_cur, close_callback=self._close_callback) if replace_cursor: try: self.close_cursor() except (BaseException, Exception): pass self._cursor = _cur return _cur
[docs] def build_query(self) -> str: return self._build_query()
[docs] def get_cursor(self, cursor_name=None, cursor_class=None, *args, **kwargs) -> psycopg2.extensions.cursor: """Create and return a new Postgres cursor object""" cur_cls = self.cursor_cls if cursor_class is None else cursor_class if cursor_name is not None: return self.conn.cursor(cursor_name, cursor_factory=cur_cls) else: return self.conn.cursor(cursor_factory=cur_cls)
@property def cursor(self) -> psycopg2.extensions.cursor: if self._cursor is None: _cur = self.conn.cursor(cursor_factory=self.cursor_cls) self._cursor = CursorManager(_cur, close_callback=self._close_callback) return self._cursor
[docs] def all(self, query_mode=QueryMode.DEFAULT) -> Union[Iterable[dict], Iterable[tuple]]: """ Executes the current query, and returns an iterable cursor (results are loaded as you iterate the cursor) Usage: >>> results = PostgresQueryBuilder('people').all() # Equivalent to ``SELECT * FROM people;`` >>> for r in results: >>> print(r['first_name'], r['last_name'], r['phone']) :return Iterable: A cursor which can be iterated using a ``for`` loop, loads rows as you iterate, saving RAM """ if self.conn is None: raise Exception('Please statically set PostgresQueryBuilder.conn to a psycopg2 connection') # if query_mode == QueryMode.DEFAULT: cursor_cls = self.cursor_cls # elif query_mode == QueryMode.ROW_DICT: cursor_cls = psycopg2.extras.RealDictCursor # elif query_mode == QueryMode.ROW_TUPLE: cursor_cls = psycopg2.extras.NamedTupleCursor if query_mode not in self._cursor_map: raise AttributeError('query_mode must be one of QueryMode.ROW_DICT or ROW_TUPLE') with self.query_mode_cursor(query_mode, False) as cur: cur.execute(self.build_query(), self.where_clauses_values) return cur.fetchall()
[docs] def fetch(self, query_mode=QueryMode.DEFAULT) -> Union[dict, tuple, None]: """ Executes the current query, and fetches the first result as a ``dict``. If there are no results, will return None :return dict: The query result as a dictionary: {column: value, } :return None: If no results are found """ if self.conn is None: raise Exception('Please statically set PostgresQueryBuilder.conn to a psycopg2 connection') if query_mode not in self._cursor_map: raise AttributeError('query_mode must be one of QueryMode.ROW_DICT or ROW_TUPLE') with self.query_mode_cursor(query_mode, False) as cur: cur.execute(self.build_query(), self.where_clauses_values) return cur.fetchone()
[docs] def select_date(self, *args): """ Add columns to be returned as an ISO formatted date to the select clause. Specify as individual args. Do not use 'col AS x'. NOTE: no escaping is used! example: q.select_date('created_at', 'updated_at') can also chain: q.select_date('mycol').select_date('othercol') :param args: date columns to select as individual arguments :return: QueryBuilder object (for chaining) """ self.select_cols += ["""to_char({a}, 'YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS"Z"') as {a}""".format(a=a) for a in args] return self