Source code for tests.test_postgres

Tests related to :class:`.PostgresQueryBuilder`, :class:`.ExamplePostgresWrapper` and :class:`.PostgresWrapper`
import warnings
import pytest
import logging
from typing import List, Tuple
from privex.helpers import Mocker
from tests.base import *
from os import getenv as env
from tests.base import _TestWrapperMixin

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    import psycopg2
    from psycopg2.extensions import ISOLATION_LEVEL_AUTOCOMMIT
    from privex.db.postgres import PostgresWrapper
    from privex.db import PostgresQueryBuilder

    HAS_PSYCOPG = True
except (ImportError, AttributeError, NameError):
    PostgresWrapper, PostgresQueryBuilder = object, object
    psycopg2 = Mocker()
    HAS_PSYCOPG = False

DB_USER = env('DB_USER', 'root')
DB_NAME = env('DB_NAME', 'privex_py_db')
DB_PASS = env('DB_PASS')
DB_HOST = env('DB_HOST')

pg_conn = None

        pg_conn: psycopg2.extensions.connection = psycopg2.connect(dbname=DB_NAME, user=DB_USER, password=DB_PASS)
    except (psycopg2.Error, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as e:
        pg_conn = None
        warnings.warn(f"Error while connecting to PostgreSQL: {type(e)} - {str(e)}")

[docs] class ExamplePostgresWrapper(PostgresWrapper, _TestWrapperMixin): """ A wrapper around :class:`.PostgresWrapper` and :class:`.TestWrapperMixin` for use in Postgres tests. * Sets the default database to ``privex_py_db`` * Creates the table ``users`` * Includes two helper query methods :py:meth:`.insert_user` and :py:meth:`.find_user` """ DEFAULT_DB: str = 'privex_py_db' SCHEMAS: List[Tuple[str, str]] = [ ( 'users', "CREATE TABLE users (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, first_name VARCHAR(255), last_name VARCHAR(255));" ), ]
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# self.cursor_cls = super().cursor_cls
[docs] def insert_user(self, first_name, last_name): c = self.get_cursor() c.execute( "INSERT INTO users (first_name, last_name) VALUES (%s, %s);", [first_name, last_name] ) return c
[docs] def find_user(self, id: int): return self.fetchone("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = %s;", [id])
else: ExamplePostgresWrapper = Mocker()
[docs]class BasePostgresTest(PrivexDBTestBase): """ Shared base class for Postgres tests. * Sets up :class:`.ExamplePostgresWrapper` into the attribute :attr:`.wrp` * Before each test (:meth:`.setUp`) it deletes and recreates the tables to avoid leftover tables/rows * After each test (:meth:`.tearDown`) it drops all tables to ensure no leftover tables once the tests are done. """ conn = pg_conn """Holds the module's Postgres connection""" wrp: ExamplePostgresWrapper """Holds a :class:`.ExamplePostgresWrapper` instance for use by test cases"""
[docs] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): """Sets up a :class:`.ExamplePostgresWrapper` instance under :attr:`.wrp` for use by tests""" cls.wrp = ExamplePostgresWrapper(db=DB_NAME, db_user=DB_USER, db_host=DB_HOST, db_pass=DB_PASS)
[docs] def setUp(self) -> None: """Deletes and recreates all tables to avoid leftover tables/rows""" self.wrp.recreate_schemas()
[docs] def tearDown(self) -> None: """Deletes all tables after each test finises to avoid leftover tables/rows""" self.wrp.drop_schemas()
@property def _builder(self) -> PostgresQueryBuilder: return self.wrp.builder('users') def _insert_user(self, first_name, last_name) -> psycopg2.extensions.cursor: """Helper function to insert a user into the database""" log.debug("Inserting user. First: %s Last: %s", first_name, last_name) return self.wrp.insert_user(first_name, last_name)
[docs]@pytest.mark.skipif(pg_conn is None, reason="Failed to connect to PostgreSQL") @pytest.mark.skipif(HAS_PSYCOPG is False, reason="Library 'psycopg2' is not installed...") class TestPostgresWrapper(BasePostgresTest):
[docs] def test_tables_created(self): w = self.wrp self.assertEqual(w.db, DB_NAME) tables = w.list_tables() self.assertIn('users', tables)
[docs] def test_tables_drop(self): w = self.wrp tables = w.list_tables() self.assertIn('users', tables) w.drop_schemas() tables = w.list_tables() self.assertNotIn('users', tables)
[docs] def test_insert_find_user(self): w = self.wrp w.query_mode = 'flat' res = w.insert_user('John', 'Doe') self.assertEqual(res.rowcount, 1) last_id = w.last_insert_id('users') user = w.find_user(last_id) self.assertEqual(user[1], 'John') self.assertEqual(user[2], 'Doe')
[docs] def test_action_update(self): w = self.wrp w.query_mode = 'dict' w.insert_user('John', 'Doe') last_id = w.last_insert_id('users') rows = w.action("UPDATE users SET last_name = %s WHERE first_name = %s", ['Smith', 'John']) self.assertEqual(rows, 1) john = w.find_user(last_id) self.assertEqual(john['last_name'], 'Smith')
[docs] def test_find_user_dict_mode(self): w = self.wrp w.query_mode = 'dict' res = w.insert_user('John', 'Doe') self.assertEqual(res.rowcount, 1) user = w.find_user(w.last_insert_id('users')) self.assertEqual(user['first_name'], 'John') self.assertEqual(user['last_name'], 'Doe')
[docs] def test_find_user_nonexistent(self): w = self.wrp user = w.find_user(99) self.assertIsNone(user)
[docs] def test_get_users_tuple(self): w = self.wrp w.query_mode = 'flat' w.insert_user('John', 'Doe') w.insert_user('Jane', 'Doe') w.insert_user('Dave', 'Johnson') users = list(w.get_users()) self.assertEqual(len(users), 3) self.assertEqual(users[0][1], 'John') self.assertEqual(users[1][1], 'Jane') self.assertEqual(users[1][2], 'Doe') self.assertEqual(users[2][2], 'Johnson')
[docs] def test_get_users_dict(self): w = self.wrp w.query_mode = 'dict' w.insert_user('John', 'Doe') w.insert_user('Jane', 'Doe') w.insert_user('Dave', 'Johnson') users = list(w.get_users()) self.assertEqual(len(users), 3) self.assertEqual(users[0]['first_name'], 'John') self.assertEqual(users[1]['first_name'], 'Jane') self.assertEqual(users[1]['last_name'], 'Doe') self.assertEqual(users[2]['last_name'], 'Johnson')
def test_insert_helper(self): w = self.wrp w.query_mode = 'dict' res = w.insert('users', first_name='Dave', last_name='Johnson') self.assertTrue(hasattr(res, 'lastrowid')) self.assertTrue(hasattr(res, 'rowcount')) user = w.find_user(w.last_insert_id('users')) self.assertEqual(user['first_name'], 'Dave') self.assertEqual(user['last_name'], 'Johnson')
[docs]@pytest.mark.skipif(pg_conn is None, reason="Failed to connect to PostgreSQL") @pytest.mark.skipif(HAS_PSYCOPG is False, reason="Library 'psycopg2' is not installed...") class TestPostgresBuilder(BasePostgresTest):
[docs] def test_query_all(self): """Build a select all query using :class:`.PostgresQueryBuilder` and confirm the built query looks correct""" b = self._builder q = b.build_query().strip() self.assertEqual(f'{b.Q_PRE_QUERY} SELECT * FROM users;', q)
[docs] def test_query_where_first_name_last_name(self): """Build a 'where AND' query using :class:`.PostgresQueryBuilder` and confirm the built query looks correct""" b = self._builder b.where('first_name', 'John').where('last_name', 'Doe') q = b.build_query().strip() self.assertEqual(f'{b.Q_PRE_QUERY} SELECT * FROM users WHERE first_name = %s AND last_name = %s;', q)
[docs] def test_query_select_col_where(self): """ Build a query selecting specific columns plus a 'where AND' clause using :class:`.PostgresQueryBuilder` and confirm the built query looks correct """ b = self._builder'first_name') b.where('first_name', 'John').where('last_name', 'Doe') q = b.build_query().strip() self.assertEqual(f'{b.Q_PRE_QUERY} SELECT first_name FROM users WHERE first_name = %s AND last_name = %s;', q)
[docs] def test_query_select_col_where_order(self): """ Build a query selecting specific columns, a 'where AND' clause, and an 'ORDER BY' clause using :class:`.PostgresQueryBuilder` and confirm the built query looks correct """ b = self._builder'first_name').where('first_name', 'John').where('last_name', 'Doe').order('first_name') q = b.build_query().strip() self.assertEqual( f'{b.Q_PRE_QUERY} SELECT first_name FROM users WHERE first_name = %s AND ' f'last_name = %s ORDER BY first_name DESC;', q )
[docs] def test_query_select_col_where_group(self): """ Build a complex select+where+group_by query using :class:`.PostgresQueryBuilder` and confirm the built query looks correct """ b = self._builder'first_name', 'COUNT(first_name)').where('first_name', 'John') \ .where('last_name', 'Doe').group_by('first_name') q = b.build_query().strip() self.assertEqual( f'{b.Q_PRE_QUERY} SELECT first_name, COUNT(first_name) FROM users WHERE first_name = %s AND ' + 'last_name = %s GROUP BY first_name;', q )
[docs] def test_all_call(self): """ Insert two users, then verify they're returned from an ``.all()`` call using :class:`.PostgresQueryBuilder` """ b = self._builder self._insert_user('John', 'Doe') self._insert_user('Dave', 'Johnson') res = list(b.all()) self.assertEqual(res[0]['first_name'], 'John') self.assertEqual(res[0]['last_name'], 'Doe') self.assertEqual(res[1]['first_name'], 'Dave') self.assertEqual(res[1]['last_name'], 'Johnson')
[docs] def test_where_call(self): """ Insert three users, then retrieve Dave using ``.where()`` + ``.fetch()`` call on :class:`.PostgresQueryBuilder` """ b = self._builder self._insert_user('John', 'Doe') self._insert_user('Dave', 'Johnson') self._insert_user('Jane', 'Smith') res = b.where('first_name', 'Dave').fetch() self.assertEqual(res['first_name'], 'Dave') self.assertEqual(res['last_name'], 'Johnson')
[docs] def test_group_call(self): """ Insert 5 users with 3 "John"s, then run a select+where+group_by query and confirm COUNT returns 3 johns """ b = self._builder self._insert_user('John', 'Doe') self._insert_user('John', 'Johnson') self._insert_user('John', 'Smith') self._insert_user('Dave', 'Johnson') self._insert_user('Jane', 'Smith')'first_name', 'COUNT(first_name)').where('first_name', 'John').group_by('first_name') log.debug("Built query: %s", b.build_query()) log.debug("Running fetch") res = b.fetch(query_mode=QueryMode.ROW_TUPLE) log.debug("Comparing results") self.assertEqual(res[0], 'John') self.assertEqual(res[1], 3)
[docs] def test_iterate_builder(self): """ Test obtaining PostgresBuilder results by iterating over the builder object itself with a for loop """ b = self.wrp.builder('users') ex_users = self.wrp.example_users for u in ex_users: self.wrp.insert_user(u.first_name, u.last_name) for i, row in enumerate(b): self.assertEqual(row['first_name'], ex_users[i].first_name) self.assertEqual(row['last_name'], ex_users[i].last_name)
[docs] def test_index_builder(self): """ Test obtaining PostgresBuilder results by accessing an index of the builder object """ b = self.wrp.builder('users') ex_users = self.wrp.example_users for u in ex_users: self.wrp.insert_user(u.first_name, u.last_name) for i in range(0, 3): self.assertEqual(b[i]['first_name'], ex_users[i].first_name) self.assertEqual(b[i]['last_name'], ex_users[i].last_name)
[docs] def test_generator_builder(self): """ Test obtaining PostgresBuilder results by calling :func:`next` on the builder object (like a generator) """ b = self.wrp.builder('users') ex_users = self.wrp.example_users for u in ex_users: self.wrp.insert_user(u.first_name, u.last_name) for i in range(0, len(ex_users)): user = next(b) self.assertEqual(user['first_name'], ex_users[i].first_name) self.assertEqual(user['last_name'], ex_users[i].last_name)